General Disclaimer: This website aims to consolidate and present Purandara Dasa Songs (including the lyrics) and krutis of Purandara Dasa as collected from various books, numerous websites and contributions from individuals, so as to make it easily available to the general public. The sincerest of efforts have also been made to link lyrics of the songs with explanation and pravachanas, where available. All songs and pravachanas are from renowned singers and acharyas in the field of haridasa sahitya.
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Personal appeal: I tender my sincerest and deepest apologies to musicians and devotees in advance for any error in the reproduction, representation or display of any wordings, explanations or lyrics and request you kindly intimate me of any such error. I will take swift and suitable actions to correct the error at the earliest. It is my aim to present the works of Sri Purandara Dasa with the greatest possible authenticity and accuracy.
My aim is to make this website a comprehensive collection of works of Sri Purandara Dasa and request you to provide me with a copy of songs and pravachanas which you may feel is missing from the website. The contents will be displayed with credits to the contributor and the copyright owner, if any.
Thanks for your support. Please watch the videos of various renowned singers, musicians, acharyas and read the rich lyrics of Purandara Dasa and other literary stalwarts and enjoy their richness.